Your resource for revising GCSE and A-level science, I am regularly updating the resources on this website. If you have any suggestions or feedback e-mail me at

06/01/25 Update: It was very ambitious to think I would have it all done by Christmas, I’m hoping it will get done by Easter! All of Year 2 Physical and Organic is complete, except some place holder images, Inorganic 2 will need more pictures so will probably be completed after Year 1 notes.

16/12/24 Update: redox and amino acids have been “completed” i need to work on some images for a few pages but they will take time to work out their production first. I wanted all notes before Christmas, its closer than I realised!

13/12/24 Update: Polymers have been uploaded, redox has been written and to be uploaded next, I’m planning to finish all notes by Christmas.

06/12/24 Update: Carbonyls, arenes, and amine notes are all finished except for a few images I need to complete, I’m also working on a roadmap for the site which I’m unsure will be published.

02/12/24 Update: The majority of the Carbonyls notes are uploaded but I need to produce some images of reactions

24/11/24 Update: Kinetics notes have been finished, for a bit of variety I’m going to complete some organic next.

22/11/24 Update: The website is now being updated gain after a bit of a hiatus, the atomic structure notes are up and the kinetic y1 notes being worked on.